We port Xhyp on your hardware, we port your
OS or application on Xhyp
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Howto: Running X-hyp binaries demo.
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Howto: Run your own RTOS in X-hyp.
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Howto use the X-hyp configurator.
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FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions on Licensing.
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Howto use the X-Hyp framework to port an RTOS to X-Hyp.
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Source code example: a hello world domain for X-Hyp.
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Binary testing: using X-Hyp ARINC like scheduling.
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IST Project: OCERA, Open components for realtime applications.
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A realtime hypervisor for embedded systems, ARM-926 and Cortex-A8 ready with paravirtualized FreeRTOS. |
MNIS Technologies has developed an embedded hypervisor (type 1) for the ARM family architecture: X-HYP Hypervisor.
X-HYP lets you run multiple operating systems at the same time on a single embedded system while ensuring a hardware-based isolation between the OSs. X-HYP uses para-virtualization to enforce the space and time separation of the domains, reduce latency and gain finest control of the hardware.
Adoption of embedded virtualization allows device manufacturers to design a single solution that easily scales from low-core-count CPUs to high-core-count systems as processing needs dictate.
In safety-critical systems, the safety-certified and noncertified components of the system traditionally must be physically separate, usually requiring multiple individual systems to achieve such separation.
With X-Hyp you reduce the trusted base to X-Hyp code and driver along with your application, moving big untrusted code like Linux out of the trusted base.
Embedded virtualization and multi-core CPUs offer the opportunity to move existing application stacks to new platforms without the efforts necessary to port single-core applications to multi-core CPUs. It opens up new opportunities for cost savings through hardware consolidation.
Howto use the X-Hyp framework to port an RTOS to X-Hyp.
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Howto use the X-Hyp Assemblor Hypercall API.
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Binary testing: using X-Hyp ARINC like scheduling.
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Howto: Running X-hyp binaries demo.
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Howto: Run your own RTOS in X-hyp.
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Howto use the X-Hyp C hypercall API.
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IST Project: OCERA, Open components for realtime applications.
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Source code example: a hello world domain for X-Hyp.
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