We port Xhyp on your hardware, we port your
OS or application on Xhyp
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Howto: Running X-hyp binaries demo.
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Howto: Run your own RTOS in X-hyp.
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Howto use the X-hyp configurator.
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FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions on Licensing.
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Howto use the X-Hyp framework to port an RTOS to X-Hyp.
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Source code example: a hello world domain for X-Hyp.
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Binary testing: using X-Hyp ARINC like scheduling.
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IST Project: OCERA, Open components for realtime applications.
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We support both Open-source project and commercial projects. |
We registered a project on Sourceforge to handle supporting the X-HYP project.
You can access http://xhyp.sourceforge.net and use
If you need professional support you may want to contact us through: support@x-hyp.org. We can help you developp your opensource application, project or port on X-HYP free, according to our GPL-V2 license.
If you wish to developp a commercial application using X-HYP we also can support you. You may want to look at our licensing possibilities allowing you to developp a commercial application without constraints of the GPL.
Howto use the X-Hyp framework to port an RTOS to X-Hyp.
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Howto use the X-Hyp Assemblor Hypercall API.
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Binary testing: using X-Hyp ARINC like scheduling.
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Howto: Running X-hyp binaries demo.
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Howto: Run your own RTOS in X-hyp.
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Howto use the X-Hyp C hypercall API.
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IST Project: OCERA, Open components for realtime applications.
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Source code example: a hello world domain for X-Hyp.
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