We port Xhyp on your hardware, we port your
OS or application on Xhyp
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Howto: Running X-hyp binaries demo.
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Howto: Run your own RTOS in X-hyp.
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Howto use the X-hyp configurator.
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FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions on Licensing.
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Howto use the X-Hyp framework to port an RTOS to X-Hyp.
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Source code example: a hello world domain for X-Hyp.
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Binary testing: using X-Hyp ARINC like scheduling.
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IST Project: OCERA, Open components for realtime applications.
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How to use the X-Hyp binaries demos within QEMU
To use the binary demos you will need:
After having download the software, QEMU and xhyp_demos, you can begin to play with it. You may start them by using for exemple:
Starting hypervisor x-hyp xhyp 1.0 - (C) MNIS Processor : 0x41069265 Cache type: 0x01dd20d2 TCM Status: 0x00000000 (qemu) x-hyp startup process ok domain 1 at 02000000 size 01000000 tbl 0042c000 state 0 domain 2 at 03000000 size 02000000 tbl 00830000 state 0 domain 3 at 05000000 size 02000000 tbl 00c34000 state 0 domain 4 at 07000000 size 01000000 tbl 01038000 state 1 x-hyp scheduler: POSIX Scheduler x-hyp: color demo serial interface started x-hyp:
You can begin to start using X-Hyp and when you want you can leave X-Hyp and QEMU with Ctrl-A C to enter QEMU's menu and then q to quit.
Inside the demos, the 4th domain is running a console application you can use to :
Start the POSIX demo using:
Then you can begin to use commands like:
Start the ARINC demo using:
With the ARINC scheduler you also have access to the following commands:
Howto use the X-Hyp framework to port an RTOS to X-Hyp.
...read more
Howto use the X-Hyp Assemblor Hypercall API.
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Binary testing: using X-Hyp ARINC like scheduling.
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Howto: Running X-hyp binaries demo.
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Howto: Run your own RTOS in X-hyp.
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Howto use the X-Hyp C hypercall API.
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IST Project: OCERA, Open components for realtime applications.
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Source code example: a hello world domain for X-Hyp.
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