We port Xhyp on your hardware, we port your
OS or application on Xhyp
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Howto: Running X-hyp binaries demo.
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Howto: Run your own RTOS in X-hyp.
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Howto use the X-hyp configurator.
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FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions on Licensing.
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Howto use the X-Hyp framework to port an RTOS to X-Hyp.
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Source code example: a hello world domain for X-Hyp.
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Binary testing: using X-Hyp ARINC like scheduling.
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IST Project: OCERA, Open components for realtime applications.
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A realtime hypervisor for embedded systems on ARM-9 and Cortex ready with paravirtualized FreeRTOS. |
MNIS provides its X-Hyp hypervisor under a dual license model designed to meet the development and distribution needs of both commercial distributors (such as OEMs, ISVs and VARs) and open source projects.
OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers), ISVs (Independent Software Vendors), VARs (Value Added Resellers) and other distributors that combine and distribute commercially licensed software with X-Hyp software and do not wish to distribute the source code for the commercially licensed software under version 2 of the GNU General Public License (the "GPL") must enter into a commercial license agreement with MNIS.
For developers of Free Open Source Software ("FOSS") applications under the GPL that want to combine and distribute those FOSS applications with X-Hyp software, X-Hyp open source software licensed under the GPL is the best option.
For developers and distributors of open source software under a FOSS license other than the GPL, MNIS makes its GPL-licensed X-Hyp Domain Libraries available under a FOSS Exception that enables use of the those X-Hyp Domain Libraries under certain conditions without causing the entire derivative work to be subject to the GPL.
Howto use the X-Hyp framework to port an RTOS to X-Hyp.
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Howto use the X-Hyp Assemblor Hypercall API.
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Binary testing: using X-Hyp ARINC like scheduling.
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Howto: Running X-hyp binaries demo.
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Howto: Run your own RTOS in X-hyp.
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Howto use the X-Hyp C hypercall API.
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IST Project: OCERA, Open components for realtime applications.
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Source code example: a hello world domain for X-Hyp.
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Designed and built by M.N.I.S.
Using Bootstrap licensed under Apache V2 and Glyphicons Free licensed under CC BY 3.0.